The Breton Class II Industrial Waste Landfill is projected to open in the fall of 2017. The landfill is managed and operated by RemedX Remediation Services and it is part of the RemedX Waste Management Facility, located near Breton, 95 kilometers southwest of Edmonton. The RemedX Waste Management Facility includes the AER approved Soil Treatment Facility that accepts contaminated soil and cuttings for treatment and recycling. The Alberta Environment approved landfill will be built in 4 phases over the next two years, with the first phase opening this year.
The landfill is approved to handle oilfield and industrial non-hazardous wastes. The waste accepted by the Breton Class II Landfill includes, but is not limited to, hydrocarbon contaminated soils, frac sand, incinerator ash, site remediation/reclamation materials, sludge, drilling mud/cuttings, construction and demolition waste and non-hazardous industrial waste.
Landfill construction has been ongoing successfully; judging from the progress we anticipate the landfill to officially begin operation in early October.